
Archive for the ‘burning desire’ Category

Yesterday I decided to go to the bar around the corner from my house to have a late lunch, early dinner. When I got there, there were only a handful of people at the bar.I have been going to this bar for about 8 years now so I know everyone that works there and I know a lot of the patrons. I sit down, say hi to those I know, order a drink and lunch and start reading my book.

My phone keeps lighting up and to my excitement they are leads popping up in my email. (I have a blackberry and get my email on my phone)

The guy across from me is reading the newspaper. The two guys sitting to my left are watching the soccer game on tv. The two guys on my right are talking, in very loud voices, about how bad things are and the economy, the usual negative talk.

I call the girl behind the bar over and ask her to do me a favor and buy a round for everyone on my tab. “Sure! No Problem! What are you celebrating?” she aks. “Nothing, just feel like buying everyone a drink.” I answer.

Here is where it gets interesting. While she is getting the drinks, the guy next to me looks over at me and says, “Thanks for the drink. I notice your phone keeps going off, you must be popular.”

“No, actually I have my own business and people are contacting me for more information.” I say.
“Wow, your own business huh? With the economy the way it is, it must be tough.” He says.

“Actually it is doing awesome thanks! Business is out of control.”

He leans back away from me and gets this real nasty tone and attitude and says, “How is it that everyone else is losing their homes, big businesses are shutting their doors, people are getting laid off, and your business is doing well. You’re telling me that everyone else is suffering and you are doing just fine?”

“Yes, I am thriving. The economy is not bad, it is just different (I quoted Brent from the visionaries call) and I know a lot of people that are doing far better than I am.” I said back with a big smile on my face.

He stopped talking to me, (which was fine because I didn’t want his negativity) and went on to bitch to his friend about me. He was mad at me for doing well, mad at me for being happy, and mad at me for not being a victim. Because I didn’t see things from his point of view and because I wouldn’t be part of his pitty party, he was actually hostile toward me.

You hear all the time at people being mad at someone because they are the downer or the party pooper but how do you like that? Being mad at someone because they are taking control and living their life full out.

And yes, I still bought him his beer. I was doing that for my benefit in the first place!

Contact Me Today To Find Out How To Be A Part Of This Successful Team!
Teri Elmendorf McLean
Home Office: 702-764-0709

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Napoleon Hill states, “The greatest reward success brings is self-satisfaction. True success is marked by the satisfaction of knowing you have done a job and done it well – that you have achieved the goal you set for yourself.”

Think about something that you really wanted that you got. A car, a house, a watch, that new flat screen TV. When you got the money to purchase it, did the money excite you or was it the excitement of what the money was going to buy you.

So many people try and say that money drives them. In reality what drives us is what the money can do for us. I talk to people everyday that tell me that they are serious about creating a multiple six figure income from home.

I go through the qualifying questions to weed out the people that want from the people that do. When I ask someone how much they want to make in the next 12 months a lot of them say $100K. This used to be enough of a reason for me to put them on the business overview call. Then I would call them back to get them started and they would tell me that they see the opportunity but they just don’t have the $2500 to get started.

It only took me a week or two to realize what I was doing wrong. In my years in business, I had always been trained to find out some one’s why because that is what is going to motivate them. People, more often then not take action on emotion not logic. Who wouldn’t want to make $100K in the first 6-12 months of business? That is not the real qualifying question. The qualifying question is, why do you want that $100K?

The businessman that tells me he wants $200K to quit his job, that is not good enough. I will tell him to call me back when he really has a burning desire. On the other hand, the single mom that wants to make $80K a year so that she can send her son to private school and quit her job to be home with him, that is a why.

Desire drives us, motivates us, gives us a reason not to quit when the going gets tough. I used to qualify people into my business solely based on their income goals. In reality, those who have strong whys will go further than those that just want a ton of money. Then on occasion I do get those that have a strong why and want a ton of money.

If you really want to achieve true success, dig down deep and find your burning desire, something that you wish to have in order to reach a greater goal you have set for yourself. Get passionately involved with your desire, picture having it, really experience the emotion of having it. Your desire needs to be something that is easier to live with than to live without.

Decide that no matter what, you will have it. Write down your desire and commit it to memory. When you reach an obstacle just take yourself back to how it will feel when you reach this goal, and you will find you brush aside obstacles that seemed insurmountable before.

“All things are possible to the person who believes they are possible.”

What is possible? http://www.SuccessByPC.com

Taken from Napoleon Hill’s A Year of Growing Rich

Contact Me Today To Find Out How To Be A Part Of This Successful Team! 

Teri Elmendorf McLean
Home Office: 702-764-0709

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